We connect Construction, Design, Computation and Research.


“ENCODE is a consultancy practice for Architects, Engineers, Manufacturers and Contractors to develop innovative projects from early design stages to construction, leveraging virtual construction technologies and DfMA processes.”


“We strive for high performance and complete control over the entire design-to-manufacturing and construction process.”

We look at materials and weight reduction, efficient assembly process, off-site prefabrication and seamless construction logistics.


“We model shapes that are structure, context and fabrication aware.”

We leverage Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) methodologies deriving from the automotive and aerospace industry, to ensure the highest quality standards from early design stages to construction.

Computation and Automation

“We consider computation and data the core of every project at all scales and complexity.”

We work agnostically using our custom framework with all four dimensions in our projects, using data actively in all stages to anticipate complexity and to help taking informed decisions better and faster.

Research and Development

“We believe in research as a vehicle of innovation and technology as a medium of progress and co-evolution with unique human skills.”

We look at contemporary and traditional methods of design and construction with the aim of expanding their impact in today's digital era.